The Virtual School Psychologist and Telehealth by Dan Florell Ph.D.


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Telehealth in the schools has been rapidly expanding in a range of professions, including school psychology. However, most school psychologists are unaware of how telehealth can be practiced and what issues are raised when services become virtual. This webinar will go over the basic practice of telehealth in the schools and what school psychologists need to consider before they become telehealth providers. Presented by Dr. Dan Florell on 7/20/2017. The content in this webinar is intertwined with Domain 2, 4, and 10 of the NASP Practice Model. This individual webinar can be purchased for $25 (scroll down to purchase).’s recorded webinars are non-refundable. Attendees who complete this 1-hour webinar will receive 1.0 NASP-Approved CPD credit. Webinar skill level: Introductory.

Short Bio:

Dr. Dan Florell is an Associate Professor in the School Psychology Program at Eastern Kentucky University and has a private practice. His research focuses on how technology impacts adolescents and the practice of school psychology. In addition, he writes about technology issues as the NASP Online Communication Coordinator for the Communique and is the NASP Historian.

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify services that can be provided by telehealth in the schools.

2. Learn the issues that need to be considered when deciding to be a virtual school psychologist.

3. Participants will be able to describe common legal and ethical pitfalls when using telehealth.

Attendee Feedback:

“So topical, relevant, and well-done! Groundbreaking for our field!” -Joan

“Very thorough explanation of the pros and cons of telehealth services. The presenter brought up a lot of good points that I hadn’t even thought of. I’d been recently contacted by a third party telehealth company and this presentation helped to clarify a lot of my questions about the service.” -Chelsi

“The presentation was organized and laid out in a way that was thorough and easy to follow. He had a great voice to listen to and his cadence was also very listenable. The information he presented piqued my interest and led me to make note of other areas to look at when considering telehealth practice.” -Elisabeth

“I really enjoyed the presentation overall and felt it provided effective information necessary when considering telehealth.” -Allison

“Great presentation. Very clear and engaging speaker.” -Elizabeth

“Comprehensive and timely” -Kathleen

“The presentation was very thorough in covering the topic and well organized. It answered my basic questions about telehealth.” -Summer

“I liked that it covered so much information in such a short time! Great coverage of legal/ethic points.” -Amanda

“I learned a lot about this field that I did not know about previously. I now know much more about teletherapy and contract agencies that I did not know before.” -Deanna

“I really appreciated the concise clarity with which this information was presented. This was very helpful!” -Kim

Course Information

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Recorded Webinar

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You can access this individual webinar for $25, or access all webinars for just $99 through our Spring Break Sale.

The Virtual School Psychologist and Telehealth

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