Strengths-Based Interventions: Managing Disruptive Behaviors in Classrooms and Schools

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Dr. Kevin Powell offers a comprehensive review of how to effectively manage challenging behaviors through a strengths-based approach. Participants will learn to shift the focus from what is wrong to what is right, emphasizing the identification and reinforcement of individual, family, and community strengths.  Attendees will be introduced to various practical interventions that can be applied to support the positive behavioral outcomes of students. The webinar will also include guidance on conducting functional behavior assessments, with a focus on assessing both disruptive and positive behaviors. This webinar is ideal for school psychologists seeking effective interventions and tools to help their students thrive.

Released in August 2024, this individual webinar can be purchased for $25 (scroll down to purchase). The content in this webinar is intertwined with Domains 2, 4, and 7 of the NASP Practice Model.’s recorded webinars are non-refundable.  Attendees who complete this 1.25 hour webinar will receive 1.25 NASP-Approved CPD credits.

Learning Objectives:

1. Define a strengths-based approach and its application in managing disruptive behaviors in schools.

2. Review strengths-based interventions targeting six key areas of healthy development.

3. Explain how a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) can be used to assess positive and stable behaviors in youth.


Kevin M. Powell, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist, trainer, and consultant who has been providing assessment and treatment services to at-risk (at-promise) children, adolescents, and their families for the past 3 decades. He has worked in schools, community-based agencies, a hospital, residential programs, and detention centers. He has provided clinical services addressing a variety of psychological issues including general delinquency, anxiety & mood disorders, adverse childhood experiences and trauma, and harmful sexual behavior problems. Dr. Powell is also an adjunct faculty member at Colorado State University in the Department of Psychology where he lectures and is conducting research on protective factors associated with resilience in youth and adults (Powell et al., 2021). 

Attendee Feedback:

“The personal examples from the presenters life and professional work were very helpful in gaining understanding and thinking of new ways to teach students in my own life.” -Abby

“Loved the examples of how he works with children. One of the best presentations. Very practical.” -Barbara

“I liked that he knew his material well enough to present in a conversational style, rather than reading to us. The information is relevant and practical.” – Brittany

“I appreciated the explanation of the metaphors, and the examples he gave of working with specific youth.” -Brooke

“This has been one of my favorite presentations thus far. It resonates with my beliefs about taking a strength-based approach as a school psychologist as well as my practice of what I call “Intelligent Eclecticism” (recognizing that human behavior is too complex and varied to have success in applying the same approach to every individual). Finally, Dr Powell’s reference to Spock made this veteran school psychologist feel right at home.” -Gayle

“Very organized, realistic, scientifically based interventions, less reliance on curriculum and programs, more naturally occuring interventions” -Lynette

“The presentation did a great job of relating key concepts of how to manage disruptive behaviors with clear interventions that are actually feasible in the school setting. His use of metaphors and personal life examples helped to connect the objectives and how to carry out the interventions.” -Megan

“Dr. Powell did a nice job of demonstrating how to support and treat the whole child, considering family, community, and self factors. I appreciated the positive approach, especially the solution-focused questions which help children realize they can and have had control in certain circumstances and can use those successful experiences to build feelings of self efficacy and resilence. I often use cognitive-behavioral strategies with students and many of these interventions are easily incorporated, especially the focus on intellectual development.” -Miriam

“Dr. Powell’s experience in a maximum-security facility brought invaluable insights that enriched the presentation. His laid-back demeanor and good-natured approach created an inviting atmosphere, fostering a strong connection with the invisible audience. His authenticity and openness about his own experiences made the webinar feel both genuine and accessible, while his use of personal anecdotes, photos, and analogies added relatability and engagement. The handouts and resources provided were highly beneficial, equipping attendees with practical tools to apply after the session, and the inclusion of self-reflection exercises encouraged personal development. Overall, Dr. Powell’s professionalism and engaging style left a lasting positive impression on the presentation.” -Natalie

“Very informative, thorough, practical, and helpful information! Will definitely refer to the resources provided and utilize the information when working with students in school.” -Rachel

“The presenter was very engaging and liked his use of metaphors.” -Sasha

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You can access this individual webinar for $25, or access all webinars for just $99 through our Spring Break Sale.

Strengths-Based Interventions: Managing Disruptive Behaviors in Classrooms and Schools

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