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In our role as school psychologists, it’s essential to prioritize self-care and establish a healthy work-life balance. In this webinar, Dr. Gill Lopez takes a comprehensive approach to self-care from a neuropsychological perspective, ensuring that attendees grasp not only the “why” of self-care but also the “how.” Participants will be provided with practical self-care techniques to incorporate into their daily routines without it being overly time-consuming or burdensome. Dr. Gill Lopez shares online resources that school psychologists can utilize for themselves, share with school staff, or implement with their students. The webinar highlights the benefits of mindfulness in reducing stress, improving focus, and promoting emotional well-being. Whether you are seeking to prevent burnout, enhance your overall well-being, or foster a positive and mindful lifestyle, this webinar provides the guidance and tools needed to embark on a transformative self-care journey. Released in July of 2023, this individual webinar can be purchased for $25 (scroll down to purchase). The content in this webinar is intertwined with Domains 2, 4, and 10 of the NASP Practice Model.’s recorded webinars are non-refundable. Attendees who complete this 2-hour webinar will receive 2.0 NASP-Approved CPD credit.
Participants will:
1. Recognize the importance of self-care in mitigating the negative effects of stress & achieving balance in life
2. Understand the what, why & how of practicing self-care from a neuropsychological lens
3. Appreciate that practicing self-care doesn’t have to be time-consuming
4. Learn a variety of self-care strategies and adopt a self-care mindset
5. Discover online resources to use for yourself, colleagues & students
Paula Gill Lopez received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. While working as a school psychologist in Richmond, CA, she co-wrote curriculum and conducted workshops in cultural awareness, anger management, conflict mediation, and gang violence prevention for the West Contra Costa Human Relations Department. In 1994, Paula was hired at Fairfield and is now an Associate Professor, chair of the Department of Psychological and Educational Consultation and directs the school psychology program. She has presented nationally and internationally and published articles on dropout and bullying prevention, mentoring, and social-emotional learning. In 2008 she attended her first mindfulness conference – Hearts & Minds – at Georgetown University and found her personal and professional passion. Since then Paula has attended many mindfulness conferences and retreats and has trained in several major programs, including Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mindfulness in Education (MiEN), Mindful Schools, and Inner Resilience. She has presented self-care and mindfulness workshops throughout the state of CT and nationally. Paula authored a two-part article on self-care published in the December 2016 and January/February 2017 issues of the National Association of School Psychologists Communique’, which currently has over 300 reads. She was an invited the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Annual Convention in Atlanta in 2019. She has written blogs and two book chapters on self-care, as well as recorded a podcast. She and her student research team are currently compiling data that investigates the benefits of practicing self-care and mindfulness for school practitioners, graduate students, and whole school climate. The research teams have presented at state and national conferences, and published findings. She has lobbied NASP to include self-care in the revised Professional Ethics document coming out in 2020. Paula is a PREPaRE trainer, teaching prevention, preparation, intervention, and recovery of crisis to students and community members. She is the chair of the CT School Safety & Crisis Response Committee.
Attendee Feedback:
“Wow! One of the best presentations I have heard in 15 years of practice! I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to gain a wealth of information in the area of self-care that is so often not discussed. The speaker, the great resources, and the wonderful examples have me motivated to really try to make self-care and mindflness a part of my daily life. Thank you!!” -Jessica
“By far, the most practical and informative self-care training.” -Catherine
“This has been my favorite webinar – it is an area of interest. The presenter was fabulous, so many excellent examples and resources!” -Karen
“A lot of practical tips and tricks.” – Adam
“This was great! Really appreciated how approachable the presentation was. I can see myself using these strategies in my daily life.” -Enilda
“Great science-backed information about practices” -Diana
“This presentation was full of information, but it was presented in a calming and encouraging way – in alignment with the topic of the presentation. I appreciated the neuro lens! I did not have any suggestions for improvement. I enjoyed this thoroughly.” -Elena
“This presentation was very informative and I found myself focusing on changing the neuropathways to the positive through mindfulness training. I was happy to learn these new things as I better understood the long-term benefits. I have tried some techniques in the past but only felt they were temporary relief and knowing the long term stress I had might still be around. I now know this can be different. I enjoyed getting to know about more informal practices as well; for when I am busy.” – Alexandra
“I was pleasantly surprised by the number of simple self-care strategies that were offered and by the great resources. I noticed that I already practice some of these techniques and I plan to use the tips presented to try to make them more of a habit. Specifically taking a short break every 90 minutes, using a do not disturb sign and setting other simple boundaries, and being more mindful during daily activities. I really appreciate the insight, balance, a resources this webinar offered.” – Anna
“Important review of research that pertains to mindfulness and bringing your focus to the moment through a variety of methods. Filling your cup is imperative for you to fill up someone else’s.” –Eric
“Loved the presentation and thought the presenter did an amazing job!” -Kaitlyn
Recorded Webinar
You can access this individual webinar for $25, or access all webinars for just $99 through our Spring Break Sale.
Self-Care is Best Practice
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