School Law for School Psychologists: Bias in IQ Test Results and Student First Amendment Issues

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School psychologists, by the nature of their positions, are well versed in the basics of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.  They are much less informed about the rights of students in general.  How are school psychologists to protect the rights of special education students if they are uninformed on the rights of all students? This webinar will provide participants with a review of legal issues and case law in educational settings.  Scenarios related to the legal issues surrounding the unintended bias in the use of intelligence test results and student freedom of expression in off campus/social media speech will be presented.  Attendees will learn to apply legal principles to determine an appropriate and legally defensible course of action.  Participants will increase their knowledge of the educational rights of all students. Presented by Shirley Woika Ph.D. and Anne M. McGinnis, Ph.D., J.D. in March of 2022. This individual webinar can be purchased for $25 (scroll down to purchase). The content in this webinar is intertwined with Domain 10 of the NASP Practice Model.’s recorded webinars are non-refundable. Attendees who complete this 1.5 hour webinar will receive 1.5 NASP-Approved CPD credit.

This Counts Towards Three Hours of Legal & Ethics:

Renewing your NCSP requires 3 hours in the category of ethics or legal regulation in school psychology. This 1.5 hour webinar counts towards the required 3 hours of ethics or legal regulation in school psychology.

Participants Will Learn:

1. That the results of IQ tests may be used for purposes beyond their initial intent of clarifying needs and determining special education eligibility to include entrance to non-school programs, employment decisions, and death penalty decisions in the courts.

2. The legal implications of student First Amendment issues as they relate to public schools, including student freedom of speech, off-campus/social media speech, dress, expression, LGBTQ+ expression, and religion.

3. Caselaw related to bias in IQ test results and student first amendment issues.

Brief Bios:

Anne M. McGinnis, Ph.D., J.D., is an attorney at Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC and represents school districts for special education, general education, and labor matters.  Anne was previously a school psychologist in the New York public schools for 5 years.  Anne is a licensed attorney, licensed psychologist, certified school psychologist, and certified music teacher.

Shirley Woika Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist. She has 19 years of experience as a teacher, school psychologist, supervisor, and administrator. She then worked as a faculty member at Penn State University for 17 years, where she taught courses in assessment, psychopathology, school law, and supervision. She currently works in private practice and contracting cases.

Attendee Feedback:

“Loved all of the real-world application and RECENT information in the presentation. The cases were all very timely and relevant to our day to day work.” -Alicia

“I found this to be extremely interesting and helpful! I have never considered the implications for my test results in the future of my students, so this adds an extra layer of consideration when conducting IQ testing. I honestly enjoyed the training very much.” -Bonnie

“This presentation was informative, thorough, and compelling. There were clear examples to illustrate the laws and ethical concerns of IQ testing.” -Chandra

“The speakers felt engaging and personable. The content was easy to follow and was not filled with jargon. Great job!” -Dylan

“Presenters were very knowledgeable about the topics they each specialized in and brought first-hand experience that related to the cases discussed.” -Gildrette

“I enjoyed the presentation of case law. The actual court case examples and rulings helped me understand the material better. I learned a great deal. Thank you!” -Jessica

“I found this webinar really interesting. I appreciated both presenters’ ability to explain legal cases/laws in a way that a typical school psychologist can understand.” -Katharine

“The presentation was very informative and gave me insight into legal ramifications in schools I had not previously thought about.” -Katie

“I thought they presented very clearly and gave examples of each idea presented. The content was relatable to everyday issues.” -Miriam

“I thought this presentation was very informative. I enjoyed learning about the different legal cases with IQ and how that can impact a defendant. Talking through the different examples of cases regarding student freedom of speech was also informative.” -Naomi

“I thoroughly enjoyed this webinar. I found it to be incredibly intellectually stimulating. What I anticipated to be a 1.5-hour session actually extended into a 3.5 hour session due to the multiple research tangents I explored during and after the presentation. Thank you for such a thought-provoking and engaging webinar!” -Natalie

“Both sections of IQ information and First amendment speech were highly interesting and relevant to our career as School Psychologists.” -Ron

“It is rare that I am this engaged and interested in a training course. The court cases were interesting, and applicable to my career, and I learned a great deal from this training!” -Stephanie

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You can access this individual webinar for $25, or access all webinars for just $99 through our Spring Break Sale.

School Law for School Psychologists

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