Psychological Assessment of Girls on the Spectrum Part 1: Foundations

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In this webinar, Dr. Reynolds discusses the unique challenges and trends in identifying Autism in girls, specifically tailored for school psychologists. Attendees will gain insights into the current disparities in diagnosis, including the factors contributing to these gaps and the implications of missed or delayed identification. The session will highlight key differences between boys and girls with Autism, emphasizing the subtle and often camouflaged presentations in girls. School psychologists will learn effective strategies to enhance their practices during the referral, assessment, and identification stages when evaluating girls under the suspicion of Autism. The webinar also encourages reflection, guiding participants to critically examine their current methods and identify actionable steps to become more affirming of students’ neurodiversity. By the end of the session, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to more effectively conduct evaluations of girls under the suspicion of Autism.

Released in September 2024, this individual webinar can be purchased for $25 (scroll down to purchase). The content in this webinar is intertwined with Domains 1 and 2 of the NASP Practice Model.’s recorded webinars are non-refundable. Attendees who complete this 1.25 hour webinar will receive 1.25 NASP-Approved CPD credit.

Learning Objectives:

1. Participants will be able to identify current trends in the identification of girls with Autism, factors contributing to these trends, and implications of gaps in the identification of girls with Autism.

2. Participants will be able to articulate differences between boys and girls with Autism.

3. Participants will be able to identify strategies to improve their practices during the referral, assessment, and identification stages when evaluating girls for possible Autism.

4. Participants will critically examine their own practices and will identify specific action steps they can take to become more affirming of students’ neurodiversity. 


Lauren Reynolds, Ph.D., NCSP is a Licensed Psychologist and Nationally Certified School Psychologist with more than 10 years of experience working with children and families. Dr. Reynolds completed her Ph.D. in School Psychology at The Ohio State University. She has worked in many settings, including public schools, universities, private practice, and a research hospital. She currently owns her own private practice in the Columbus, Ohio area, where she conducts evaluations, provides therapy, consults with school districts, and supervises psychology interns. Dr. Reynolds’ is passionate about working with children, adolescents, and adults with various types of neurodiversity, including giftedness, learning disabilities, ADHD, and Autism (especially Autism in girls). She also enjoys supporting clients experiencing mental health concerns, such as anxiety, depression, trauma, and self-harm/suicidal ideation. 

Attendee Feedback:

“Thoroughly enjoyed this webinar. I really appreciated the depth of information, even going into the specifics of an evaluation and how to interpret measures. Additionally, real-life examples were helpful.” -Abby

“Laid out really well, great breakdown of assessment areas. The discussion on current vs. preferred terminology was so helpful. And discussion of bias. Also the slides were visually appealing.” -Bree

“I really loved this one. This was one of my favorite webinars.” -Christopher

“The presenter is clearly an expert in this area. She was organized and used the time well.” -Heidi

“The presenter did a great job in providing specific characteristics. This was a great presentation.” -Jijy

“Great explanation of reasons for differences in diagnosis of autism in boys and girls; very specific and helpful guidelines on things to consider when trying to identify autism in girls” -John

“I loved the affirming language in this presentation! It was refreshing to have a presenter acknowledge the problems with our assessment tools and address the questions I have been asking” -Julia

“Great visuals! The slides were not too busy and easy to receive information. Also, the presentation was very clearly laid out. Looking forward to the next one!” -Lisa

“This webinar is practical and I can use the information starting today in my work. It also was not a “buy my product” webinar, which I appreciate.” -Lynette

So grateful for this presentation, very well done” -Margaret

“I love how the examiner did not over complicate the material. She presented it in a way that was easy to understand and very applicable in the school setting.” -Melanie A.

“This was one of the best webinars I have watched. It was very informative and included many great key points.” -Melanie H.

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Psychological Assessment of Girls on the Spectrum Part 1: Foundations

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