Practical Tips for Counseling Children Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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The principles of Solutions Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) have been increasingly applied to areas beyond clinical psychology, such as in education. Helping children and adolescents in school look beyond their current struggles and challenges towards their strengths and values in order to encourage and empower them to make behavioral changes in the direction of their own goals, is a philosophical foundation behind the practical tips in this webinar presentation.  In addition, the components of the TEAM-CBT model (Dr. David Burns) are used to describe a method of working with children and adolescents such that the students themselves feel lowered resistance to checking on their thoughts and challenging feelings, and begin to reframe those in ways that move them toward their own goals and values. By engaging with students using unconditional positive regard and empathy, school psychologists can help students externalize problems and their corresponding unhelpful automatic thoughts, such that young people can come up with solutions for feeling and doing better and partner with a caring school psychologist to feel proud of themselves and supported. Presented by Rebecca Comizio, MA, MA Ed, NCSP, in April of 2020. This individual webinar can be purchased for $25 (scroll down to purchase). The content in this webinar is intertwined with Domain 4 of the NASP Practice Model.’s recorded webinars are non-refundable. Attendees who complete this 1-hour webinar will receive 1.0 NASP-Approved CPD credit.

Presenter Bio:

Rebecca Comizio, MA, MA Ed, NCSP, is Connecticut’s 2019 school psychologist of the year. She is a practicing school psychologist at New Canaan Country School in New Canaan, CT and is a co-host of School Psyched Podcast. Rebecca also advocates for children’s mental and behavioral health supports in schools. As a leader and Committee Chair for NASP’s Communications Committee, Rebecca supports the practice of school psychology at a national level. Rebecca has co-authored the book, 70 Play Activities for Better, Thinking, Self-Regulation Learning and Behavior. She is working to utilize her education, training and life experience to positively, affect the lives of children and families by advocating for students.

Participants Will Learn:

1. A brief overview of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

2. How CBT can help children reframe how they identify, interpret, and evaluate their emotional and behavioral reactions to negative experiences

3. Practical tips while reviewing some of the presenter’s favorite mini-lessons to conduct with students

Attendee Feedback:

“Fantastic practical strategies! I absolutely loved this webinar and will be re-watching for sure!” -Angela

“Absolutely LOVED this presentation. So practical, easy to implement and very kid friendly. Left this presentation feeling like I have a new set of ready-to-go tools to use with the students on my counseling caseload.” -Stacey

“Thank you for a great webinar! It was very helpful – great explanations and strategies that are age appropriate, simple and effective. I believe they will be useful in my sessions and look forward to testing them out :)” -Kate

“This was a wonderful presentation! I am preparing for my internship year and this gave me so many great ideas. The concepts were relatable to classroom experiences and taught in a way that is engaging. There were also great links to books and podcasts that I am planning on looking into further. I plan to watch this again once I am working with students to review the concepts. Thanks for putting together a great presentation!” – Denielle

“While I’ve seen other CBT presentations that are full of valuable information, translating that information into practice within the school setting can be challenging. This webinar was engaging and, just as the title states, provides a practical approach to using CBT within the school setting. The presenter did an amazing job condensing the main principles of CBT and provided visuals to reference throughout. Highly recommend this webinar and would be interested in additional CBT videos from this presenter!” -Rebecca

“This was a really nice presentation for those actively counseling in schools! I needed a quick overview and resources for the students I have been working with and this was an easy way to get that information.” -Bailey

“I really enjoyed this presentation and appreciated how much you were able to fit into an hour. I printed out the power point and was able to take notes. I hope you consider doing a second presentation on CBT with additional mini lessons and more examples. It was super helpful. I’m also thinking about how this can be used with Zoom and the whiteboard or sharing screens. Thanks so much.” -Margaret

“I loved the practical tools. Many trainings are theoretical, but I don’t walk away with any skills that I can really use. Rebecca was very good at finetuning strategies I have used.” -Marla

“Engaging, stayed on topic, presented a lot of useful information in a short amount of time. Thanks!” -Jennifer

“It was succinct, useful, and easy to follow! I have been doing CBT for a long time with school-aged children and I still learned new strategies and ideas from the presentation. Thanks so much for this great PD!” -Danielle

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You can access this individual webinar for $25, or access all webinars for just $99 through our Spring Break Sale.

Practical Tips for Counseling Children Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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