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This presentation is for school psychologists interested in collecting academic and behavioral data using Google Forms to enhance the process of effective decision making and problem-solving. The examples are relevant to school psychologists such as using Google Forms to collect academic input from teachers, progress monitor student behavior, and collect schoolwide PBIS data. It puts an added emphasis on practical tips that you can apply immediately to your job, and the techniques learned will be helpful for all school psychologists, regardless of their current skill level with Google Forms. Presented by Tim McIvor, NCSP in August of 2017, and revised in September of 2018. The content in this webinar is intertwined with Domain 1 of the NASP Practice Model. This individual webinar can be purchased for $25 (scroll down to purchase).’s recorded webinars are non-refundable. Attendees who complete this 1-hour webinar will receive 1.0 NASP-Approved CPD credit.
Participants will learn:
1. Practical tips for collecting schoolwide PBIS data
2. Practical tips for collecting behavioral/progress monitoring data
3. Practical tips for collecting input from teachers and parents
Timothy McIvor, NCSP is the owner and managing member of He has been presenting on technology in school psychology since 2015. He worked as a full-time school psychologist for 10 years, including five years in the Clark County School District, Nevada, and five years with Marion County Public Schools, Florida. He completed his training at Northeastern University in Boston. He received NVASP’s Outstanding Service award and MSPA’s Rookie of the Year award. He was a nominee for NASP’s School Psychologist of the Year award.
Webinar skill level:
Beginner – Intermediate
Attendee Feedback:
“All of the tips shown are very applicable to what school psychologists do every day.” -Michelle
“I love and appreciate that it is expected that we practice the skill along the way. I also am so grateful for sample surveys that are ready for use……only need to be duplicated.” -Mona
“Yes, this was indeed funny, in addition to being very, very helpful! I have experience with google forms but there were some new great ideas presented! I am excited to implement some of these ideas/forms before school starts up again in a few weeks! Thank you Tim!!” -Nicole
“Very helpful webinar! I also like that the slides are available for review. I liked seeing the different examples very specific to use by school psych. I feel ready to create my own google forms. Thank you!” -Leslie
“Some great ideas to make our jobs a little easier! Thank you!” -Leanna
“Clear, concise, and easy to follow directions. Steady pace for ease of note-taking.” -Laureen
“As a Google Forms beginner, I now feel confident that I can create my own Google Forms. The information presented was thorough but well organized and easily understood. I am looking forward to converting my paper files and improving my efficiency. I look forward to taking more webinars from this presenter so I can advance my Google App skills.” -Summer
“The presentation did a great job of showing the different steps of making a google form. It also gave practical examples of possible forms to use.” -Kristin
“The presentation was thorough and detailed.” -Stacy
“This webinar offers many great examples and tutorials for data collection. I already use Google Forms for teacher input, but walked away with new ideas to improve (love the idea to split into grade level ranges). Looking forward to developing a parent input form and supporting my special education teachers in developing their own forms to collect student data.” -Lauren
Recorded Webinar
You can access this individual webinar for $25, or access all webinars for just $99 through our Spring Break Sale.
Data-Based Techniques for School Psychologists Using Google Forms
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