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This interactive, practical webinar is for school psychologists who are aware of basic methods for collecting, organizing, and presenting data using Microsoft Excel and are ready to further these skills through learning more complex methods to enhance the process of effective decision making and problem solving. This webinar is packed with information, reviewing 25 different Excel formulas and 10 different Excel functions related to data collection. It provides attendees the opportunity to practice what they’re learning during the webinar. Presented by Tim McIvor, NCSP in August of 2017. This individual webinar can be purchased for $25 (scroll down to purchase).’s recorded webinars are non-refundable. The content in this webinar is intertwined with Domain 1 of the NASP Practice Model. Attendees who complete this 1-hour webinar will receive 1.0 NASP-Approved CPD credit.
Participants will learn:
1. To improve visuals for enhanced data-based decision making.
2. Intermediate formulas to help collect and organize data.
3. To prevent errors when using intermediate data-based methods.
Timothy McIvor, NCSP is the owner and managing member of He has been presenting on technology in school psychology since 2015. He worked as a full-time school psychologist for 10 years, including five years in the Clark County School District, Nevada, and five years with Marion County Public Schools, Florida. He completed his training at Northeastern University in Boston. He received NVASP’s Outstanding Service award and MSPA’s Rookie of the Year award. He was a nominee for NASP’s School Psychologist of the Year award.
Attendee Feedback:
“It was so helpful to be able to have the document that the presenter was working from so we were able to practice along. I feel as though I learned SO much from doing it that way. I am also very thankful for the in depth powerpoint because I know I will have to go back to look at the slides.” -Rachel
“Tim was clear in his presentation and hit on a lot of useful formulas that I can see myself incorporating into my work, especially regarding behavioral data. I was able to take what I learned in this course and address a problem I have had for several years now in my excel data table for my report templates by using an IF function, which is going to save me from having gender errors in my reports. Big win!” -Brandi
“I appreciated seeing the presenter demonstrate how to do different things in excel, and that we can use the powerpoint slides as a reference later if we forget any steps. The slides weren’t as necessary during the webinar, but will be very handy for future use! The materials to use and practice the steps while following along in the webinar were so helpful. I appreciated the presenter also letting us know some of the things that are covered in the beginner and advanced excel webinars. Knowing what to expect in terms of possible errors was good too.” -Ashley
“I liked that you went through and showed how to do everything and provided the slides. Everything made sense and was applicable.” -Deanna
“I appreciated how the presenter gave clear explanations and provided some short cuts in terms of managing data more efficiently. I also appreciated learning the common formulas that I could apply to student data as a school psychologist.” -Sarah
“This presentation was really easy to follow along and practice the Excel formulas. Great pointers on enhancing visuals! As someone with very limited Excel experiences, I feel like I’ve learned a foundation of skills to majorly improve my practice.” -Ali
“The presenter provided the information at a good pace and with just enough explanation.” -Lindsay
“Engaging. Good pace and explanation. I like the idea to show it in excel and allow users to reference the slides at another time.” -Amanda
“The keyboard shortcuts and learning to use the IF statement have really increased my knowledge of Excel’s functionality related to my career. I can now analyze large data sets with minimal time investment. Thank you!” -Sabrina
“It was applicable to a school psychologist’s everyday role in the schools.” -Bridget
Recorded Webinar
You can access this individual webinar for $25, or access all webinars for just $99 through our Spring Break Sale.
Data-Based Techniques for School Psychologists Using Microsoft Excel: Intermediate
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