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In this webinar, Dr. Chavez Phelps begins with an overview of childhood trauma by reviewing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact that they have on children. After providing a variety of background information and statistics on childhood trauma, Dr. Phelps describes the impact of trauma on students’ academic performance and social emotional functioning. Dr. Phelps covers nine essential components of trauma-informed schools and how schools can provide trauma-informed supports to students at each tier of the MTSS framework. Dr. Phelps includes many practical strategies for school psychologists. For example, he provides a list of screening tools to assess for trauma. He also reviews a variety of trauma-informed therapeutic techniques that can be implemented during counseling sessions and behavioral interventions. Released in January of 2023, this individual webinar can be purchased for $25 (scroll down to purchase). The content in this webinar is intertwined with Domains 2, 4, 6, and 8 of the NASP Practice Model.’s recorded webinars are non-refundable. Attendees who complete this 1.75-hour webinar will receive 1.75 NASP-Approved CPD credit.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand what trauma is (and is not)
2. Understand the impact of trauma on children’s academic and socioemotional performance
3. Learn trauma-informed assessment, counseling, and intervention approaches
Speaker Bio:
Chavez Phelps is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana. He is an assistant professor of school psychology at Georgia State University. His research interests include examining the impact of school-based trauma interventions and strategies. He has conducted several trauma-informed care workshops for school districts and educators. Before entering academia, Chavez functioned as a school-based practitioner in New Orleans, Louisiana. He also worked with the Louisiana Public Health Institute to ensure youth had access to quality community behavioral health services. Currently, he serves as a member of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Government and Professional Relations (GPR) Committee. For more information about Dr. Phelps, please click here.
Attendee Feedback:
“Very interesting information. It is a great general overview of trauma.” -Antonio
“I really loved the course!!” -David
” I liked the tools and strategies that were suggested!” -Erin
“As a school based professional, I enjoyed listening about the different interventions schools can use to address trauma in children.” -Iesha
“Presenter was able to discuss sensitive information in a safe and positive way” -Kelly
“Great presentation” -Kristen
“Provided a depth of information in a clear and easy to understand way.” -Lesley
“The presentation had a logical flow from defining terms and research background to the day to day procedures within a school.” -Logan
“Very helpful, with many good resources provided.” – Marla
“Very thorough and well explained.” – Sarah
“I liked how realistic it was regarding implementation of strategies and interventions in relation to time and resources.” – Tricia
Recorded Webinar
You can access this individual webinar for $25, or access all webinars for just $99 through our Spring Break Sale.
Childhood Trauma: An Overview
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