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Behavior concerns have continued to be one of the highest reasons for teacher burnout and attrition. The significant number of suspension and expulsions, issues with disproportionality, and the school to prison pipeline continue to suggest that effective behavior supports are needed now more than ever. We also know that adverse experiences and trauma play a significant part in impacting student behavior, achievement, and relationships. In this webinar, Eric Elias presents a process for addressing behavior problems that also support students who have experienced trauma. The process suggests that good behavior strategies are congruous with trauma-informed strategies and restorative practices. Eric provides examples and resources in ways that these can be implemented across three tiers. Presented by Eric Elias in April of 2020. This individual webinar can be purchased for $25 (scroll down to purchase). The content in this webinar is intertwined with Domains 2, 4, and 6 of the NASP Practice Model.’s recorded webinars are non-refundable. Attendees who complete this 1.5-hour webinar will receive 1.5 NASP-Approved CPD credit.
Speaker Bio:
Eric Elias, MS Ed, ABSNP is a school psychologist in Meriden, CT. He is Connecticut’s 2018 School Psychologist of the Year. He is beginning his 30th year of practice. Eric is a co-host of the successful podcast School Psyched. Eric has had a recent article accepted for publication by the Journal of Contemporary School Psychology. He has contributed numerous articles for his state association newsletter and is published in the NASP Communique and as well as through the American Federation of Teachers. Eric continues to support research through research projects specific to the practice of school psychology in collaboration with professors from several universities. He supports the practice of school psychology on a national level through his involvement on the NASP Communications Committee and presentations at the National Association of School Psychologists annual conferences. He is an active board member for the Connecticut Association of School Psychologists (CASP) and is the Newsletter editor for CASP as well. Eric has taught psychology as an adjunct and is currently on the advisory board for the School Psychology program at Southern Connecticut State University. Eric is passionate about social and emotional learning, social justice as well as evidence-based assessment, practice and interventions.
Participants Will:
1. Reflect on our current practices that are in place to address student behavior and challenge outdated or inefficient paradigms for addressing behavior needs.
2. Explore a shared understanding of trauma, attachment and resilience.
3. Develop a framework for developing practices, tools and strategies that support positive behavior through a restorative approach.
Attendee Feedback:
“This was one of the best presentations I have viewed. Not only was he great at presenting the material, but everything from content to the layout was exceptional. Thank you!!” -Tracy
“Content was wonderful- it also briefly incorporated the pandemic, which was what I was specifically looking for more information around. I appreciated the time and effort which went into curating this webinar. Thank you!” – Marissa
“I especially appreciated the presentation style. Although it was professional and thorough, it felt like I was getting advice and information from a knowledgeable and friendly colleague. There was appropriate humor that was incorporated throughout, which I greatly enjoyed. The pace was perfect. There was a good balance of new information along with time built into the presentation for reflection and looking at reference materials. This is such an important and timely topic for school psychologists, and I appreciated being able to easily access this webinar for my professional development.” -Paige
“He’s very clear and structured in his approach. He systematically addressed each of the goals, also enjoyed stories!” Ann
“Like the students, I appreciate the empathetic approach and the comical voices. During these moments, you could really see his enthusiasm for mental health and education.” -Natalie
“I really enjoyed the “real life” examples he could provide from his own experience as a school psychologist. These connections really helped make the content relatable and made me think back to my own similar experiences as a school psychologist.” -Brittany
“I thought he did a wonderful job with using relevant and common examples that drove home the primary goals of the presentation. He also developed many actionable take-home points for practitioners.” -Samantha
“Information about trauma-informed approaches made very good practical sense. There were very good examples given to enhance points made.” -Ted
“Very well done. Well paced and great resources. Thank you!” -Maryann
“He’s a very good presenter; engaging and easy to listen to.” -Shelley
“I enjoyed how the presenter provided personal examples and used a lot of images and graphics throughout the presentation. The 3-minute reflection activities with corresponding polls was also a creative and useful feature of the presentation. They gave attendees the opportunity to immediately think about the content that was presented and apply it to their own school experiences, or learn some additional information from a different source (e.g., the 2×10 Strategy).” -Amber
Recorded Webinar
You can access this individual webinar for $25, or access all webinars for just $99 through our Spring Break Sale.
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Building Behavior Supports and Resilience
Here you will find the recorded webinar and the four polls.
Here you will complete the quiz on the webinar. You may take the quiz as many times as you need to until passing (75 percent).
Submit your feedback about the webinar using this evaluation form.