5 Steps for Helping Students Strengthen Their Executive Skills

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In this webinar, Dr. Peg Dawson explores practical strategies to help students develop essential executive skills for academic and life success. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of executive skills, including response inhibition, working memory, emotional control, and goal-directed persistence. The session outlines five key steps to supporting students, from identifying strengths to implementing student-centered interventions. Attendees will learn how to use everyday routines and classroom strategies to foster skill growth. Real-life examples illustrate how executive skills impact student learning and behavior. The webinar also highlights effective ways to introduce executive skills vocabulary and concepts to students. Educators will leave with concrete tools to integrate executive function strategies into their teaching. This session is ideal for school psychologists, teachers, and other professionals supporting student success.

Released in March 2025, this individual webinar can be purchased for $25 (scroll down to purchase). The content in this webinar is intertwined with Domains 2, 3, and 4 of the NASP Practice Model. Schoolpsych.com’s recorded webinars are non-refundable. Attendees who complete this 1.5-hour webinar will receive 1.5 NASP-Approved CPD credit.

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify and describe key executive skills that influence student learning and behavior.

2. Learn practical strategies to integrate executive skills instruction into classroom routines and interventions.

3. Explore student-centered approaches to fostering executive function development and self-regulation.


Peg Dawson, Ed.D., NCSP, received her doctorate in school/child clinical psychology from the University of Virginia. She worked as a school psychologist for 16 years in Maine and New Hampshire, and since 1992 has worked at the Center for Learning and Attention Disorders in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where she specializes in the assessment of children and adults with learning and attention disorders. She has many years of organizational experience at the state, national, and international level, and served in many capacities, including president, of the New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists, the National Association of School Psychologists, and the International School Psychology Association. She is the author of numerous articles and book chapters on a variety of topics, including retention, ability grouping, reading disorders, attention disorders, the sleep problems of adolescents, the use of interviews in the assessment process, and homework. Along with her colleague, Dr. Richard Guare, she has written several books for parents and professionals on the topic of executive skills, including Smart but Scattered and Smart but Scattered Teens. Peg is the 2006 recipient of the National Association of School Psychologists’ Lifetime Achievement Award.

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Recorded Webinar

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You can access this individual webinar for $25, or access all webinars for just $99 through our Spring Break Sale.

5 Steps for Helping Students Strengthen Their Executive Skills

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